Evorel Sequi 50mcg (Sequi) x 24 in Calais

Evorel Sequi 50mcg (Sequi) x 24


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Buy Evorel Sequi 50mcg (Sequi) x 24 in Calais today. The pack contains two types of patches, Evorel and Evorel Conti. The first contains just oestrogen, while the second is a patch that contains both estradiol and noresthisterone. Taking these treatments helps to replace oestrogen that is lost when the body starts to change during menopause. Lower oestrogen levels are what cause many of the signature menopause symptoms.Evorel Sequi 50mcg (Sequi) x 24 in Calais is a treatment pack that contains two types of patches that are used for the treatment of menopause. This pack contains Evorel, which is a patch that contains just oestrogen and Evorel Conti, which are patches that contain both oestrogen and progestogen. Using these can help relieve symptoms such as vaginal itching, hot flushes, vaginal dryness, night sweats and loss of bone density that can increase a patient's osteoporosis risk.

  • Helps to lower your risk of developing menopause symptoms
  • Reduces bone mass loss that can lead to osteoporosis
  • Contains two types of medications
  • Available in a patch form for ease of use

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